Thursday, 22 April 2010

Milk Allergy Symptoms

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Milk allergies are a reality for millions of people. One major problem is that milk products and derivatives of milk are in so many of the food products we consume. It is very difficult to completely avoid milk products and byproducts as we go about or day to day life as food consumers. It is a very real problem for parents of children. Once they are out their sight treats like a caramel apple or milk chocolate can bring on an allergic reaction.

Symptoms can manifest themselves in a variety of maladies. Vomiting, diarrhea, hives are three of the most common. Bloating, gas, watery eyes, skin rashes that can also include acne are among others. An asthmatic who also suffers from milk allergy can have complications with their asthma condition as a result or his or her allergy to milk. Another reaction is ear infections and hyperactivity, particularly in children. Minor milk allergy symptoms can go undiagnosed for years.

As a result of ongoing research more information is being made available for those who suffer from milk allergies. Also more and better alternatives to milk are being made available. Milk allergy sufferers are denied this valuable source of calcium in their diet and more palatable alternatives are important in replacing milk and milk productes for the allergy sufferers.

Soy products that were once ghastly are now quite delicious and soy milk itself is now do to improvements quite delicious and resemble milk quite well. Tofu is a great alternative to cheese. With products like these, milk allergy symptoms can easily be avoided. Take a short trip to your supermarket and you'll find plenty of alternative dairy products. No longer will you have to avoid the common foods that you like the most, easy alternatives can be used.

One ingredient in milk is lactose, or milk sugar. Lactose intolerance is a type of milk allergy where the person experiencing the allergy is intolerant to the lactose in the milk itself An enzyme called lactase is responsible for breaking down lactose in the digestive process. It is estimated that up to seventy percent of the worlds population is lacking in this enzyme and some have none at all. This has caused problems in the past when international care packages of food relief were taken to countries on the African continent to fend off starvation and the milk products in the food was consumed by lactose intolerant people there.

By: Sven Ullmann

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Sunday, 18 April 2010

Peanut Allergy Symptoms

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A peanut allergy is an illness that is caused by the body's reaction to particular substances. Every time the body comes into contact with a substance it considers as harmful, it reacts by releasing histamines to fight off these allergens. As the body fights these allergens, the person exhibits the classic symptoms of an allergic reaction. There are many substances that can cause allergy like insect bites, pollen, dust and food. Aside from shellfish, fish and eggs, allergy to peanuts is the most common.

Considered to be one of the deadliest types of food allergy, peanut allergy affects about 3 million Americans. Since this particular allergy can cause death, it is important that you know the facts surrounding this reaction especially if you or someone in your family is allergic to peanuts.

Peanut allergy can be triggered by even the smallest of doses. The allergy is characterized by severe symptoms including anaphylactic shock. The particular symptom causes severe swelling, heart failure, breathing difficulties, circulatory collapse and eventually death. Aside from these, the person also suffers from gastrointestinal discomfort.

Since there is no available treatment for allergies, the same is also true for peanut allergy. Available medications for allergies are only designed to treat the symptoms of the allergic reaction. To prevent any episode of allergic reaction, persons with peanut allergy should avoid peanuts or peanut-ingredients at all cost. In case of an allergic reaction, the individual must be injected by epinephrine or adrenalin. This could prevent or reverse the anaphylactic shock. Adrenalin can increase heart rate, constrict blood vessel, reduce swelling and relax muscles. As soon as the symptom subsides the person must still be taken to the nearest hospital to be checked thoroughly.

Today, people with peanut allergy are given extra consideration. Because of the possible severity of the illness, you should also do your part in making sure that you do not endanger yourself. People with peanut allergies have found themselves having problems when traveling by air.

Peanuts are considered to be a staple in most airlines and if you are not careful, having an allergic reaction while on air will be just a difficult situation. To avoid such situation, you should first check with the airline to find if they do serve peanuts or peanut-ingredient in your flight. For more convenience, you should ask your doctor to give you a document stating your allergy to peanuts.

Before your trip, discuss with your doctor the need for carrying with you extra adrenalin. You should also plan on what food to bring so you are assured of peanut-free food. If you are traveling with your child who has contact sensitivity to peanuts, make sure you wipe the seat, tray table, arm rest and window area. In case an allergic reaction still occur during the flight, you should stay calm and follow all your doctor's instructions in cases like this. Immediately alert the airline crew of the emergency situation so they could contact and request professional medical assistance that would be on standby as soon as you landed.

As you can see, the peanut allergy can be very dangerous. If you have it, it's a good idea to just be aware of it, so you can react in the proper ways to diffuse the allergic reaction. Be alert to especially any peanut allergy symptoms that might arise.

By: Sven Ullmann

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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Guide to Dog Allergy Symptom

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Recognizing a dog allergy symptom and treating it is an option we have today; we do not need to part with our best friend anymore due to allergies.


As hard as it may be for some to admit that their dearest friend (dog or cat), it is a fact that approximately 10% of the U.S. population suffer from pet allergy.

Dog allergies are caused by a protein present in dog's dander and saliva. All dogs have dander despite the common myth that dogs with shorter hair do not cause allergies.

Dog allergy symptom

A dog allergy symptom is the same the regular allergy symptom runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing etc. some even experience itchy patches on the skin.

A few steps to preventing dog allergies

* Keep your dog out door or limit him/her to a room which does not have carpeting or furniture. * Clean the room daily.
* Usage of a good air filter helps clean the airborne allergens.
* Clean your dog once a week this will get rid of at least some of the allergens in the fur.
* Do not put the clothing used around your dog in the closet put it straight in the washer.
* Take a shower or clean hands and face after playing/touching the dog.
* There is also available allergen free bedding which can be of great use for your dog allergy symptom.

Treating dog allergy symptom

Since the dog allergy is basically the common allergy but triggered by your dog; the medications used are the same used to cure regular allergies.

* Antihistamines they help reduce the sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes. A helpful tip antihistamines work best when used before exposed to an allergy.

* Decongestants these temporarily help to clear the stuffy nose. These are best used for short time or else you risk irritating your nose and provoking the whole cycle again.

* Nasal steroid sprays this reduces the reaction of the nasal tissue to inhaled allergens, helping to reduce swelling in the nose. This is only available by prescription.

* Cromolyn sodium this is a great nasal spray which helps the body to react to allergens. This is available over the counter and is best used before you are exposed to the allergens.

By: Masni Rizal Mansor

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Saturday, 10 April 2010

Food Allergy Symptoms

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Food allergy symptoms can be quite uncommon. You might not believe this but only 1 out of 70 adults suffer from true food allergies. Food poisoning or even food intolerance is sometimes mistaken for a food allergy because of the similarities in symptoms. If you are unsure if you are allergic to a particular food, you should learn to decipher what classic food allergy is.

Mostly affecting children, food allergy is an illness where the body's immune system defends itself from a substance that it considers to be harmful. The allergic reaction experienced is the sign that the body is trying to overcome the allergy-causing substance. Doctors usually run test to determine and confirm your food allergies. They might even ask you questions regarding your family's general health since food allergy is thought to be partly hereditary. If your doctor finds a history of eczema, hay fever or asthma, then you have a higher risk of having a food allergy.

A true allergic reaction usually starts with swelling and itching in the throat, tongue and mouth. Other food allergy symptoms include skin reactions, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, wheezing, runny nose and sore, red and itchy eyes. An allergic reaction could begin the moment you ingest the food you are allergic to. The symptoms, however, could take longer to develop, sometimes even several hours. An anaphylactic shock is the worst possible allergic reaction. It could cause severe swelling, unconsciousness, lowering of the blood pressure and breathing difficulties. If not given proper medical attention, it could possibly lead to death. As you can see, it's important to deal with food allergy symptoms right away.

Foods that cause allergy include peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts and fish. Some children develop allergies to cow's milk, soya, eggs, wheat and seafood. If you have an allergy to a particular food, you could also have a reaction to other allergy-causing food. This is called cross-reactivity. Your dietician and physician could help you identify which foods to avoid and prevent allergic reactions.

If you are still unsure if you have a food allergy, you should consult a doctor specializing on allergies. You would be asked questions pertaining to the symptoms you experience after eating a certain food, amount of the particular food you ate, preparation and storage of the food, medication you took to relieve the symptoms and effectivity of the medication. All these can help diagnose your food allergy.

It is very important that you see a food allergy specialist. You must never, under any circumstances, try to determine the food you are allergic to on your own. You must remember that allergic reactions can be severe and you might be putting yourself in a very dangerous situation. If you're allergic to something and you tamper with it, your body can react in bad ways.

Skin prick tests are sometimes used to diagnose a food allergy. A small amount of food extract is injected on the skin surface. An allergic reaction to that food extract will result to swelling and redness of the injection site. Sometimes, a false positive reaction is observed from a skin prick test. It would be wise to perform other tests, like a blood test for instance, to confirm food allergy and complete diagnosis.

By: Sven Ullmann

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Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Preventing and Treating Allergy Symptoms With Medication

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Do you have allergies? Whether you have seasonal allergies or you are allergic to certain situations, such as being exposed to animal dander, coping with allergy symptoms can be quite difficult. Not only are allergy symptoms uncomfortable, they can slow you down during the day and interrupt with your sleep cycle. Therefore, it is important to know how to recognize allergy symptoms and to know what to do in order to alleviate the symptoms you experience.

Recognizing Allergy Symptoms

Since there are so many different types of allergens and because everyone’s body reacts differently to these allergens, allergy symptoms can differ from person to person. Nonetheless, there are several different signs and symptoms that are commonly associated with allergies and may signal that you have allergies.

Some of the most common allergy symptoms include:

* Abdominal pain

* Congestion

* Cramps

* Diarrhea

* Difficulty swallowing

* Dizziness

* Itchy and watery eyes

* Itchy skin

* Mental confusion

* Problems breathing

* Rash

* Vomiting

Whether or not you experience these symptoms will depend upon the type of allergy and how you make contact with the allergen. Physical contact with an allergen, for example, is more likely to cause rashes and itching, while inhaling the allergen is more likely to cause breathing problems.

Coping with Allergy Symptoms

Depending upon the type of allergy you have, you may be able to prevent allergy symptoms by taking certain types of allergy medicine. If you have seasonal allergies, for example, you might want to discuss the issue with your doctor and begin taking a prescription allergy medicine that will help prevent allergy symptoms from developing. If you are allergic to animals, on the other hand, you may want to talk to your doctor about prescribing an allergy medicine that you can take before being exposed to the known allergen.

Of course, you can’t always prevent an allergic reaction. Sometimes, you may find yourself unexpectedly exposed to allergens. In this case, you will need to treat the allergy symptoms after they develop. It is important to keep in mind that you can only treat the symptoms when they occur rather than “curing” the allergy. Therefore, you should search for medication that will help alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing. If you have a rash, for example, you will need to use a topical ointment to treat the rash. If you are experiencing diarrhea and vomiting, on the other hand, make certain to stay hydrated and to seek medical attention if you cannot get the symptoms under control.

By: Paul Russell

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Friday, 2 April 2010

What you Should Know About Allergy Symptom?

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What are some of the allergy symptoms?

Some of the most common allergy symptoms occur for the seasonal allergies such as hay fever and include the itchy watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing aspects of allergenic symptoms. Other cases of allergies feature more serious symptoms that can be more harmful and troublesome such as absentmindedness, dizziness, trouble swallowing, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, skin rashes, vertigo, vomiting, and other serious cases of health issues that may spring from how the body deals with the allergen itself.

Airborne allergies are, however, the most common form of allergies and tend to feature the most common form of an allergy symptom as well. Most of these symptoms are related to the sinuses as the hay fever and other allergies like hay fever tend to affect those systems of the body. Sneezing, a clogged and runny nose, itchiness in the eyes and throat, coughing, postnasal drip, and swollen eyes (a symptom called "conjunctivitis") are all parts of the airborne allergy symptom repertoire.

Why do these symptoms occur?

Most times, the allergic reaction is coupled with a portion of the allergen. In other words, if the allergen is known for entering the lungs it will likely attack portions of the body related to the lungs and to breathing. An airborne allergy, thus, will likely attach itself to the breathing apparatus and my cause coughing or the nose to run because of the way it affects the system directly. There are other reasons for this that scientists studying allergy immunology are aware of, but the basics of most allergies are that they are "system attackers" in general.

How are the symptoms cured?

An allergy symptom can be cured in a number of ways depending on the actual system it affects and how drastically the body is affected. Many people can simply take, for example, an antihistamine for a hay fever type allergy and go about their day while others simply will not respond to the antihistamine. It is essentially a matter of the biological makeup of the allergy sufferer in terms of how they react to certain medications and how much medication is needed to cure the allergy symptom.

By: Masni Rizal Mansor

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Tuesday, 30 March 2010

What Is The Most Common Allergy Symptom?

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An allergy occurs when your body overreacts to an allergen that it sees as a problem which causes all kinds of symptoms from mild to severe. Wondering what is the most common allergy symptom and what are the most common causes? Read on.

Runny nose is the most common allergy symptom often mistaken for a cold, followed by hay fever which is a combination of runny nose, itchy watery eyes, which by the way can occur on their own. Sneezing, stuffy nose, and an itchy nose and mouth are also very common. Some people will feel pressure in the nose and cheeks while others will deal with ears that pop. Dark circles under the eyes is very common and yet often missed as an allergy symptom. Then there are more serious allergies suck as anaphylactic shock but for now lets just concentrate on the most common mild to moderate symptoms.

We already know that the allergy symptom occurs when our body misfires and overreacts to an allergen but what are those allergens? There are some common allergens that can be found in just about every house or backyard.

Pollen from trees, weeds, and grasses are all common allergens. Tree allergens produce symptoms during late spring, grasses during the summer, and ragweed during the fall months each producing an allergy symptom such as runny nose or itchy watery eyes.

Mold is another common allergen that can cause a common allergy symptom such as hives or cough. It is found in areas where water collects such as on window sills, on bathroom walls, and in basements that are not damp. It can also be found in damp leaves, compost piles, mulch, and even rotting logs. It is generally worse during rainy seasons and is much more common in humid climates.

Cat and dog dander is found in the skin of your family pets as well as other animals but most commonly see in house pets. It can be picked up handling the animal or from dust in which it becomes trapped. Which common allergy symptom you develop will vary and you may even develop more than one.

Dust includes dust mites which are minute living creatures that can be found in your bed, carpet, and furniture. They survive off of your dead skin. Uk! But worse yet they cause allergies and if you are lucky you'll get a single symptom like a rash or runny nose.

The allergy symptom will determine the treatment. There are several different treatments that you can try. Antihistamines are commonly used for sneezing, runny nose, and itchiness. Decongestants help relieve stuffy noses and cromolyn sodium helps if you use it before the exposure. Nasal steroid sprays reduce the inflammation in the nasal tissues. And eye drops can be used for itchy, watery eyes.

There are also natural remedies that can help detoxify the body and build the immune system. Allergies can occur as a result of the body being toxic and by detoxifying the body. Because the cause of allergies is a mixed up immune system by building and strengthening the immune system.

The most common allergy symptom is a runny nose but there are many other common symptoms.

By: Steve Johnson

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